At Cosmos Air Purification & Environmental Systems, Inc.
Endya Dennis, February 5, 2025
Excitement rises as we get ready for the jam-packed weekend! This is nothing like your average week of events and seminars for the engineering community. This is the biggest event in the industry! From this Saturday all the way up until Tuesday, you will be surrounded by some of the most knowledgeable people in the HVAC&R community. You have full access to get the answers to the questions that you never knew you had! Many are wondering what we can expect from the conference this year. Recapping from last year, we were introduced to many new advancements. ASHRAE continued to display the benefit of a greener future through their work and leadership while impacting homes, schools, workplaces and overall communities.
Get ready to learn but also lace up for unlimited networking opportunities. At the ASHRAE Conference, you have exclusive attendee lounge access, where you’ll have time to eat, meet and greet different professionals. Be ready for tech talks and save space for downloadable recordings to sessions, quizzes and more. ASHRAE also provides a virtual registration option with different packages, which includes up to 10 livestream technical sessions.
If you have the luxury to physically attend this event, know that everyone that you’re going to want to connect with will be at the AHR Expo. From customers to engineers to distribution partners. Anything you’ve ever questioned or needed a solution for; this is the place to find it. If planning isn’t your forte, AHR has outlined plenty of resources for your travel, stay and Expo experience from shuttle schedules, recommended plans, floor maps and more.
Listen to industry seminars and live podcasts on all things HVAC&R. The future is now, and the demand is new, innovative and sustainable technologies and this is the crowd you want to be in. Be the first to experience the latest with some of the most complex products and technology. From heating, cooling, refrigeration, plumbing and so much more. On top of the 100 technical sessions from the ASHRAE conference, there will be 163 featured exhibitors at the AHR Expo. This is the time to take advantage of the opportunity to talk directly to product specialists and even save sessions and appointments through the “My Show Planner” tool provided by
Between the product presentations, there are plenty of sessions to include in your planner like how “Particulate Matter is an Important Matter with Veris Particulate Matter Sensors”, presented by Veris Industries. Alternatively, you may want to tune in to topics like “Build Future-Ready HVAC Workforce”, presented by Romita Verma. She will be speaking on ASHRAE’s educational courses, and how they will prepare you with the necessary tools to create a strong team within the HVAC&R industry, while also aligning with the mission of ASHRAE.
We want to know! -Will you be there? As you gear up for the ASHRAE Conference and the AHR Expo, gear up for Cosmos educational courses on Filternomics, where you can receive Air Filtration Certifications. Be safe on your journeys and continue building a better future!